This page gives the betting percentages on every upcoming NFL game. This data represents the percentage of the total number of wagers placed on each side (or total) of the games. For example, if 100 bets have been placed on the New England Patriots/Baltimore Ravens game and 55 of those bets were placed on the Patriots, the Spread % for the Patriots would be 55%. What this doesn't tell us, however, is the total amount wagered on each game. In the example given, 55% of the number of bets may be on the Pats, but the amount wagered may be $500. The Ravens may only have received 45% of the bets, but let's say the amount of those wagers equals $1,000. In this case the Ravens actually received about 67% of the total amount bet on the game, which gives a clearer indicator of why a book might move a point spread than the percentage of the number of bets.
Actual wager amounts are not available to the general public, however, you can glean some useful information off of the raw betting percentage numbers simply to gain some perspective on how soft the public views a line. As a general rule, if a huge majority of the public loves a game, the line may prove too good to be true. With that being said, long-term studies on blindly betting against the public have yielded mixed results; no better than betting with the public. We still feel this information can be a useful tool, just don't look at it as the Holy Grail of sports betting.